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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-07-01 07:43:12  浏览:8376   来源:法律资料网
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(State Administration of Taxation: 28 December 1993)

Whole Doc.
1. Scope of Taxation
(1) Value-Added tax shall be levied on forward transactions in goods
(including commodity futures and precious metal futures).
(2) Value-Added Tax shall be levied on the business of selling gold
and silver by banks.
(3) Value-Added Tax shall not be levied on financing and leasing
businesses, whether or not ownership of the leased goods is transferred to
the lessee.
(4) For precast concrete components, other structural components or
building materials produced by a factory or workshop affiliated to an
infrastructural construction unit or an enterprise engaged in construction
and installation and used on construction projects of that unit or
enterprise, Value-Added Tax shall be levied at the time when the products
are transferred for use. But for precast components produced at the
construction sites and used directly on construction projects of that unit
or enterprise, no Value-Added Tax shall be levied.
(5) Value-Added Tax shall be levied on sales of dead articles in pawn
for pawn business and sales of consignment goods on behalf of consignors
for consignment business.
(6) Value-Added Tax shall not be levied on sales of original copy of
cinematographic films, video tapes and audio tapes arising from the
transfer of ownership of copy-right as well as sales of computer software
arising from the transfer of the ownership of patented technology or
nonpatented technology.
(7) Value-Added Tax shall not be levied on the supply or extraction
of unprocessed natural water (such as the supply of water from a reservoir
for agricultural irrigation and the self- extraction of underground water
by a factory for use in production).
(8) Value-Added Tax shall levied on sales of philately stamps and
first day covers by postal departments.
(9) Value-Added Tax shall be levied on the business of sewing
2. Basis of Tax Computation
(1) Deposits collected by a taxpayer on packaging materials leased or
lent out in the sales of goods and that are recorded and accounted for
separately are not included in the sales amount for tax levy. But for
deposits that are not to be returned as the packaging materials are not
collected when due, Value-Added Tax shall be levied at the tax rate
applicable to the packaged goods.
(2) For taxpayers adopting the method of selling goods at a discount,
if the sales amount and the discount amount are separately specified on
the same in voice, Value-Added Tax can be levied on the sales amount after
deduction the discount. If the discount amount is specified on a separate
invoice, the discount amount shall not be deducted from the sales amount,
no matter how the financial treatment is handled.
(3) For taxpayers adopting the method of selling goods by exchanging
new products for old ones, the sales amount shall be determined based on
the selling price of the new products in the same period.
For taxpayers adopting the method of selling goods for repayment of
principals, the expenditures on principal repayment shall not be deducted
from the sales amount.
(4) In case the sales amount of a taxpayer is determined on the basis
of the composite assessable value according to the regulations as its
selling prices are obviously low or no selling prices are available, the
cost plus margin rate in the composite assessable value formula shall be
10%. However, for goods on which a Consumption Tax shall be levied at a
rate on price value method, the cost-plus margin rate in the composite
assessable value formula shall be the cost plus margin rate prescribed in
the .
3. Thresholds for Small-scale Taxpayers
(1) "Sales amount" mentioned in Article 24 of the Detailed Rules
concerning the threshold for small-scale taxpayers refers to the sales
amount for the small-scale taxpayers refers to the sales amount for the
small- scale taxpayers prescribed in Article 25 of the said Detailed
(2) "Taxpayers engaged principally in the production of goods or the
provision of taxable services and also in wholesaling or retailing of
goods" mentioned in Article 24 of the Detailed Rules refer to those type
of taxpayers whose sales amount from sales of goods and taxable services
exceeds 50% of total annual taxable sales amount, while the sales amount
of wholesaling and retailing businesses makes up less than 50%.
4. Businesses with a fixed establishment selling goods in a different
county (or city) shall apply for the issuance of an outbound business
activities tax administration certificate from the local tax authorities
where the establishment is located and shall report and pay tax with the
local tax authorities where the establishment is located. Businesses
selling goods and taxable services in a different county (or city) without
the outbound business activities tax administration certificate issued by
the local tax authorities where the establishment is located, the local
tax authorities where the sales activities occur shall impose a tax at the
uniform tax rate of 6%. After the sale amount is brought back to the place
where the establishment is located, the sale amount arose in the selling
places shall still have to be reported and subject to tax in accordance
with the provisions. The tax paid in the selling place shall not be
deducted from the amount of tax payable of the period.

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  2009年农历十月份,被告人吴林喜开出每月一千元工资的待遇,雇请被告人胡金秀帮其清洗五粮液、剑南春白酒空瓶,并教授给胡金秀清洗的方法。胡金秀同意并在江西省鄱阳县柘港乡金潭村委会被告人彭秀青姐夫的房子内清洗了一段时间酒瓶后,吴林喜见胡金秀清洗得很彻底,便进一步提出让胡金秀帮其用低档绵竹大曲酒直接装入清洗好的五粮液、剑南春白酒空瓶内,灌制成假冒五粮液及剑南春白酒。之后,由吴林喜负责低价购入绵竹大曲,并将灌制假酒所使用的五粮液、剑南春酒包装及商标等原材料运送至制假窝点,然后由胡金秀负责洗瓶、灌装、封瓶、装盒等一系列的工序。在此期间,彭秀青有时也会来给妻子胡金秀帮忙打下手、搬货卸货等。至2010年1月14日,鄱阳县公安局根据群众举报的线索将该制假窝点查获,并当场扣押了剑南春白酒543瓶(52%vol、500ml)、五粮液白酒314瓶(52%vol、500ml)、绵竹大曲白酒420瓶(52%vol)及若干制假原材料。经鉴定,所查获的五粮液白酒及剑南春白酒均为假冒产品,所使用的外包装等材料亦属假冒,其中假冒五粮液白酒314瓶价值人民币159 826元、剑南春白酒543瓶价值人民币194 394元,总价值人民币354 220元。













  另外,近年来假冒名酒瓶贴图案欺骗消费者案件增多,因为名优酒类的特定名称以及瓶贴装潢起到了商标的作用,成为消费者认购的一种显著标志。为了加强对名优酒类商标专用权的保护,国家商标局根据企业的要求,已经将十三家酒厂的名优酒 ( 如“贵州茅台”酒、四川“五粮液”酒 ) 的瓶贴装潢中起到商标作用的部分,作为商标予以注册,因此,任何单位和个人,对于假冒这十三家名酒瓶贴的案件,以假冒注册商标罪论处。

  本案中,被告人吴林喜、胡金秀以非法营利为目的,未经“五粮液”、“剑南春”注册商标所有人许可,在同种商品上使用与其注册商标相同的商标,货值金额高达354 220元,情节特别严重,其行为已触犯刑律,构成假冒注册商标罪;被告人彭秀青明知胡金秀实施假冒注册商标的行为而提供帮助,其行为亦触犯刑律,构成假冒注册商标罪。


